Adhesive recommendation SIBU DESIGN

SIBU DESIGN Adhesive recommendations


Bonding of SIBU DESIGN wall panels

MS polymer hybrid adhesives

MS polymer hybrid adhesives are ideally suited for bonding the SIBU DESIGN product groups:


on absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces

The right adhesive for your requirements

Based on our extensive adhesive tests, we recommend the following adhesives for perfect bonding of SIBU DESIGN wall panels:

Cartridge adhesive for strand bonding:

Kartuschenkleber Bostik H551

Bostik H551 Supergrip Multi

K1-Hybrid adhesive

Kleberkartusche Ramsauer 640

Ramsauer 640

K1-Hybrid adhesive

Putty adhesive for surface bonding:

Spachtelkleber Bostik ARDAFLEX MULTI

Bostik Ardaflex® Multi

tooth spatula A2 und B3

weißer Spachtelkleberkübel mit großteils rotem Aufdruck

Glutolin UK

tooth spatula A2 und B3

Carry out adhesion tests and self-tests before bonding the panels!

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